The Golden Tale of Time: The Enchanting Journey of Gold Leaf October 9, 2023Aisling McgloughlinImagine, if you will, a luxurious cocktail party set in a grand mansion. The room is filled with the soft glow of chandeliers, the gentle hum of conversations, and the...
From a Galaxy Far, Far Away to the Art of Kintsugi: The Star Wars Connection to My Jewellery September 22, 2023Aisling McgloughlinHey there, Star Wars aficionados and jewellery lovers! Ever noticed the golden cracks on the Night Troopers' armour in the latest Ahsoka episode? Those aren't just random designs. They're inspired...
Redefining Elegance: The Rise of Sustainable Jewellery Trends in 2023 September 4, 2023Aisling Mcgloughlin As a passionate jewellery designer, I've always been captivated by the transformative power of beautiful adornments. But over the years, I've come to realize that true beauty extends beyond...
From Heian to Edo to Today: A Look at the Evolution of Japanese Lacquer Art and the Rankaku-nuri Technique May 2, 2023Aisling McgloughlinRankaku-nuri is a unique and intricate Japanese lacquer art form that has been perfected over centuries, dating back to the Heian period (794-1185). The art form has evolved over time,...
A Timeless Medium for Unique and Beautiful Jewellery April 18, 2023Aisling McgloughlinReady to learn about a rare and unique material that's perfect for creating one-of-a-kind jewellery pieces? Buckle up, because we're talking about Urushi Lacquer!As a jewellery designer, I'm always searching...
True Focus July 4, 2021Aisling McgloughlinWith some extra time on my hands I'll be throwing myself even more into this business, tell me what you'd like to see!